Workshop: Diabetes Technologies: Innovations for Patient-Centered Care

Event Time

Monday, May 20 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: George R. Brown Convention Center, Level 3, 351E

Event Information


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Blood glucose control has declined among adults with diabetes, while the number of ways for patients to monitor glucose has surged. A major limitation to improving glucose control is low clinician knowledge, skill, and confidence in the use of continuous glucose monitors (CGMs). How can primary care providers keep up with and integrate these technologies into their practices to reverse the trend of worsening glycemic control?

The workshop offers experiential exercises, practical strategies, and case studies to enhance the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to demystify the CGM as a tool for primary care providers. Exercises will include applying and interacting with CGMs; accessing and interpreting data; and practicing efficient ways to allow more time for decision making. Participants will leave with the information and competence required to integrate these evidence-based methods to improve diabetes control.

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
⦁ Review ADA/EASD consensus guidelines for glycemic targets and use of diabetes technologies
⦁ Explain the advantages of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) over traditional blood glucose monitoring (BGM) devices
⦁ Discuss strategies to improve patient access to BGM and CGM devices
⦁ Analyze and interpret glycemic trends using ambulatory glucose profile (AGP) reports
⦁ Explore strategies to integrate efficient use of BGM and CGM devices into your practice
⦁ Formulate treatment plans using AGP data in case-based scenarios

CME Number: H24167

Type: CME


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  • AAPA Category 1 CME – 4

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