SIS: Bringing Storytelling and Reflection into Caretaker-Patient Communication

Event Time

Sunday, May 19 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

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Event Location

Location: George R. Brown Convention Center, Level 3, 351D

Event Information


A ticket is required for participation for this small interactive session. Register online here.
Despite their best efforts to communicate effectively, caretakers, including PAs, may be unaware of the best practices for patient-centric communication. This small interactive session introduces instruction in storytelling and reflection as a means of enhancing communication skills, including attention, active listening, and nonverbal cues. Literary and cinematic sources will be used to provide examples of poor and excellent communciation outcomes. Workshop participants will also be divided into small groups to perform scripts depicting common miscommunications in clinical care. They will also reflect and rewrite these scripts, identifying where miscommunication took place. Participants will also be introduced to the PACE communication strategy (Purpose, Audience, Context, Emotions)and practice this with fellow participants.


Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
⦁ Demonstrate active listening with an intent of understanding
⦁ Describe best practices to avoid miscommunication with patients
⦁ Describe best practices for nonverbal communication with patients
⦁ Describe appropriate responses to emotional cues and employ them in patient scenarios
⦁ Compile and confirm the perspectives of others
⦁ Integrate the perspectives of others into plan of care discussions

CME Number: H24120

Type: CME


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  • AAPA Category 1 CME – 3

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