SIS: Become a PA Historian - Preserving PA History

Event Time

Tuesday, May 21 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: George R. Brown Convention Center, Level 3, 351D

Event Information


There is no additional charge for this small interactive session; however, a ticket is required for participation. Register online here.

Many PAs, constituent organization leaders (state, specialty, caucuses, SIGs), PA faculty, and students have a backlog of historical material to be organized and preserved, but do not know where to start the process. 

Participants will learn the value of saving historical material, the need for recording their organizations’ leadership and historical events, and to identify what needs preserving. This session will introduce basic archival guidance for documenting their organization’s unique history, such as by creating a historical timeline, writing biographies of important figures, conducting mini interviews about crucial events, and ensuring special events are photographed and recorded. Attendees will receive resources, including the PAHx Society "Historian Toolkit".

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
⦁ Describe the importance of preserving their PA organization’s historical materials
⦁ Identify milestones (dates, legislation, celebrations) and important individuals (founding PAs, leaders, award recipients) to develop a preservation or history project
⦁ Create a timeline for their own organization’s website, which can also be shared via social media platforms

CME Number: H24119

Type: CME


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  • AAPA Category 1 CME – 1

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