SIS: Microaggressions Triangle Model: A Framework to Uphold the Principles of Inclusion

Event Time

Sunday, May 19 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

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Event Location

Location: George R. Brown Convention Center, Level 3, 351D

Event Information


A ticket is required for participation in this small interactive session. Register online here.

Microaggressions are subtle statements and behaviors that unconsciously communicate denigrating messages to people who identify with certain social groups. These statements have potentially harmful emotional implications. The term micro refers to common daily occurrences. There are studies indicating the health impacts of microaggressions like depression, anxiety, and stress, which can in turn increase PA burnout. The Microaggressions Triangle Model provides a framework for addressing microaggressions in a safe learning environment. Each individual has experiences in the corners of the triangle, and realizing each person’s role in addressing microaggressions will hopefully promote an inclusive community, rebuilding relationships and restoring connections. The Microaggressions Triangle Model can be an additional tool for healthcare providers in any healthcare setting to address burnout. 


Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
⦁ Recognize microaggressions as they occur and describe the impact on all parties involved
⦁ Identify historical, structural, and cultural contexts of microaggressions
⦁ Develop strategies to address microaggressions in the moment and how to repair and reestablish relationships

CME Number: H24122

Type: CME


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